Point Pleasant

Zusammenfassung Episoden+
There are two sides to every soul... All hell is about to break loose in a sleepy New Jersey town when a sudden violent storm washes in more than the tide in the new supernatural drama series Point Pleasant. The peaceful existence of a small seaside community will change forever when Christina Nickson is rescued from the ocean by local lifeguard Jesse Parker and brought to the home of local doctor Ben Kramer. The Kramers, including Ben's wife Meg and daughter Judy, take an instant liking to Christina and invite her to stay with them as she searches for clues to her past and attempts to find her mother a Point Pleasant native whom Christina never knew. Christina is unaware of the profound effect she has on the town's inhabitants; her presence awakens repressed feelings, unlocks secret desires and heightens emotions. (Quelle: thetvdb.com)
Genre: Crime | Drama | Horror | Mystery | Thriller
Erstausstahlung: 2005-01-19 Status: Ended Dauer: 45 Min

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