
Zusammenfassung Episoden+
Robotech is the critically acclaimed animated series about mankind's first contact with warring alien races, and the use of alien technology to defend Earth. The series was broken into three chapters, The Macross Saga, The Robotech Masters, and The New Generation. Released in 1985, Robotech was the first anime (Japanese animation) series that many fans had seen, and is often accredited as the cause of the anime fandom that continues to grow today in the United States. (Quelle:
Genre: Action | Adventure | Animation | Science Fiction
Erstausstahlung: 1984-07-07 Status: Ended Dauer: 30 Min

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Season 3 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
25 Symphony of Light1985-06-28
24 Dark Finale1985-06-27
23 Reflex Point1985-06-26
22 The Big Apple1985-06-25
21 Hired Gun1985-06-24
20 Birthday Blues1985-06-21
19 Frostbite1985-06-20
18 Ghost Town1985-06-19
17 The Midnight Sun1985-06-18
16 Metamorphosis1985-06-17
15 Separate Ways1985-06-14
14 Annie's Wedding1985-06-13
13 Sandstorm1985-06-12
12 The Fortress1985-06-11
11 The Secret Route1985-06-10
10 Enter Marlene1985-06-07
9 The Genesis Pits1985-06-06
8 Eulogy1985-06-05
7 Paper Hero1985-06-04
6 Hard Times1985-06-03
5 Curtain Call1985-05-31
4 Survival1985-05-30
3 Lonely Soldier Boy1985-05-29
2 The Lost City1985-05-28
1 The Invid Invasion1985-05-27
Season 2 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
24 Catastrophe1985-05-24
23 The Invid Connection1985-05-23
22 Final Nightmare1985-05-22
21 Daydreamer1985-05-21
20 Crisis Point1985-05-20
19 Dana in Wonderland1985-05-17
18 Mind Game1985-05-16
17 The Hunters1985-05-15
16 Love Song1985-05-14
15 Clone Chamber1985-05-13
14 Triumvirate1985-05-10
13 A New Recruit1985-05-09
12 Deja Vu1985-05-08
11 Outsiders1985-05-07
10 Stardust1985-05-06
9 Metal Fire1985-05-03
8 The Trap1985-05-02
7 Prelude to Battle1985-05-01
6 Danger Zone1985-04-30
5 Half Moon1985-04-29
4 Volunteers1985-04-26
3 Southern Cross1985-04-25
2 False Start1985-04-24
1 Dana's Story1985-04-23
Season 1 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
36 To the Stars1985-04-22
35 Season's Greetings1985-04-19
34 Private Time1985-04-18
33 A Rainy Night1985-04-17
32 Broken Heart1985-04-16
31 Khyron's Revenge1985-04-15
30 Viva Miriya1985-04-12
29 The Robotech Masters1985-04-11
28 Reconstruction Blues1985-04-10
27 Force of Arms1985-04-09
26 The Messenger1985-04-08
25 Wedding Bells1985-04-05
24 Showdown1985-04-04
23 Reckless1985-04-03
22 Battle Hymn1985-04-02
21 A New Dawn1985-04-01
20 Paradise Lost1985-03-29
19 Bursting Point1985-03-28
18 Farewell, Big Brother1985-03-27
17 Phantasm1985-03-26
16 Battle Cry1985-03-25
15 Homecoming1985-03-22
14 Gloval's Report1985-03-21
13 Blue Wind1985-03-20
12 The Big Escape1985-03-19
11 First Contact1985-03-18
10 Blind Game1985-03-15
9 Miss Macross1985-03-14
8 Sweet Sixteen1985-03-13
7 Bye-Bye Mars1985-03-12
6 Blitzkrieg1985-03-11
5 Transformation1985-03-08
4 The Long Wait1985-03-07
3 Space Fold1985-03-06
2 Countdown1985-03-05
1 Boobytrap1985-03-04
Season 0 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
12 Flashback 20121987-06-21
11 Do You Remember Love1984-07-07
10 Codename: Robotech
9 Original Opening and Closing
8 Deleted Scenes
7 Robotech: Love Live Alive2013-07-23
6 Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles2007-01-05
5 Robotech II: The Sentinels1986-09-01
4 Robotech: The Movie (aka Robotech: The Untold Story)1986-07-25
3 Codename: Robotech1985-03-01
2 Genesis Climber Mospeada (unaired pilot)
1 Space Fortress Macross (original pilot)


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