You Cant Do That on Television

This was a sketch comedy show for young adults that was very popular in the 1980s. It started in 1979 as a (partially) live, local show in Ottawa, Canada, with comedy, music videos (or musical guests), and local, phone-in contests. After two seasons (the latter of which was later edited into the new format when shown nationally and internationally), the show's format changed to a half hour sketch comedy. It retained this format for the rest of its 11 year run. This show had a huge impact. It was picked up in 1981 by the fledgeling US network Nickelodeon, which had only gone national a year earlier. This was the network's first big show and made the network what it is today. YCDTOTV became one of the most popular kids shows of the decade and featured a rotating cast of very talented actors and actresses. It was a very funny program that featured alot of humor that was not only aimed at kids, but at adults as well. The show gave us many great catch phrases, and memorable characters as B (Quelle:
Genre: Comedy | Family
Erstausstahlung: 1979-02-03 Status: Ended Dauer: 30 Min

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Season 11 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
1 Changes aka Project 1312004-07-21
Season 10 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
5 Inventions1990-05-25
4 Privileges1990-05-24
3 Learning1990-05-23
2 Secrets1990-05-22
1 Blame1990-05-21
Season 9 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
25 Embarrassment1989-01-01
24 Generosity1989-01-01
23 Smoking1989-01-01
22 Sports1989-01-01
21 Effort1989-01-01
20 Celebrations1989-01-01
19 First Times1989-01-01
18 Failure1989-01-01
17 Lost1989-01-01
16 Looking Cool1989-01-01
15 Excess1989-01-01
14 Age1989-01-01
13 Beliefs1989-01-01
12 Punishments1989-01-01
11 Mistakes1989-01-01
10 Time1989-01-01
9 Fantasy1989-01-01
8 Pollution1989-01-01
7 Security1989-01-01
6 Cleanliness1989-01-01
5 Malfunctions1989-01-01
4 Fitness1989-01-01
3 Communication1989-01-01
2 Chores1989-01-01
1 Choice1989-01-01
Season 8 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
5 Smells1987-01-01
4 Anniversaries1987-01-01
3 City Life1987-01-01
2 Adoption1987-01-01
1 Books and Reading1987-01-01
Season 7 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
20 Mysteries and Crimes1986-12-31
19 Discipline1987-01-01
18 Home1986-12-30
17 Sleep1986-12-29
16 Part-Time Jobs1987-01-01
15 Luck1987-01-01
14 Poverty and Unemployment1987-01-01
13 Censorship1987-01-01
12 Contests1987-01-01
11 Savings1987-01-02
10 Enemies & Paranoia1986-08-22
9 Illness1986-08-21
8 Back to School1986-08-20
7 Country1986-08-19
6 TV Commercials1986-08-18
5 Garbage1986-01-01
4 Parties1986-01-01
3 Know-It-Alls1986-01-01
2 Pop Music1986-01-01
1 Fairy Tales, Myths, and Legends1986-01-01
Season 6 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
10 Movies1985-11-15
9 World Records1985-10-16
8 Outer Space1985-10-14
7 Wildlife and Animals1985-10-15
6 Revenge1985-11-14
5 Pessimism and Optimism1985-10-18
4 Relatives1985-11-13
3 Fears, Worries, and Anxieties1985-11-12
2 Identity Crisis1985-10-17
1 Romance and Dating1985-11-11
Season 5 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
26 Wealth1985-02-05
25 Jealousy1985-02-01
24 Seasons / Weather1985-01-25
23 Malls / Hangouts1985-01-22
22 Families1985-01-18
21 Divorce1985-01-15
20 Science1985-01-11
19 War1985-01-29
18 Politics1985-01-08
17 Christmas1984-12-08
16 Halloween1984-10-09
15 Colleges1985-01-04
14 Holidays1985-01-01
13 Clubs1984-06-25
12 Ambition1984-06-12
11 Technology1984-07-19
10 Moving1984-07-20
9 Literature1984-06-21
8 Foreign Countries1984-06-28
7 Marketing1984-07-03
6 Body Parts1984-07-12
5 Courage1984-06-04
4 History1984-07-11
3 Hobbies1984-06-15
2 ESP - Magic Astrology1984-06-20
1 Friends1984-06-07
Season 4 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
13 Priorities1984-02-29
12 Fame1984-02-27
11 Rumors1983-10-21
10 Classical Music1983-10-24
9 Cooking1983-10-17
8 Nature1983-10-14
7 Inequality: Kids vs. Adults1983-10-19
6 Media1983-10-03
5 Future World1983-10-14
4 Medicine1983-10-07
3 Manners or Bad Habits1984-02-24
2 Rules & Regulations1983-10-10
1 Pets1983-05-10
Season 3 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
13 Growing Up1982-08-04
12 The Not-So-Fair Show1982-07-28
11 Heroes1982-07-21
10 Sports1982-07-14
9 Television1982-07-07
8 Culture Junk1982-05-12
7 Bullying1982-05-05
6 Rip-Offs1982-04-21
5 Vacations1982-04-14
4 Fads & Fashion1982-04-07
3 Popularity1982-03-31
2 Addictions1982-03-24
1 Cosmetics1982-03-17
Season 2 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
13 Peer Pressure1981-04-18
12 Nutrition1981-04-11
11 Drugs1981-04-04
10 Crime & Vandalism1981-03-28
9 Smoking1981-03-21
8 Personal Hygiene1981-03-14
7 Sexual Equality1981-03-07
6 Safety First1981-02-28
5 Fitness1981-02-21
4 Dating1981-02-14
3 Strike Now1981-02-07
2 Transportation1981-01-31
1 Work, Work, Work1981-01-24
Season 1 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
14 The Fourteenth Episode1979-05-19
13 The Walk Show1979-05-05
12 Suing the Network1979-04-28
11 The Straight Jackets Show1979-04-21
10 Concert, Library, and Pies in the Faces1979-04-14
9 Executive Washroom1979-04-07
8 The Backstage Show1979-03-31
7 St. Patrick's Day1979-03-17
6 The Toronto Producers1979-03-10
5 Painted Lockers & Dances1979-03-03
4 The Handcuffs Show1979-02-24
3 Weather & Dresses1979-02-17
2 Shoestring1979-02-10
1 The First Episode1979-02-03
Season 0 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
8 1985 Bloopers
7 1984 Bloopers
6 The Worst of You Can't Do That on Television (1989)
5 Changes aka Project 1312004-07-21
4 Turkey TV Pilot
3 UFO Kidnapped1983-01-08
2 Whatever Turns You On (Pilot)
1 The Worst of You Can't Do That on Television (1987)


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