
Zusammenfassung Episoden+
The series is about two 25-year-old twins, Lykke (Happiness) and Thomas, who have both lost their parents. One tries to find happiness during his professional career and the other through love. Thomas has for several years been treated for depression, while Lykke, however, has focused on his career. In the series' beginning, he seeks a job in the communications department at the pharmaceutical giant SanaFortis, where he focuses on a meteoric career. In addition, we meet numerous other personalities during the series who undergo surprising changes when their perception of happiness is in turn challenged. Lykke is a comedy about ambition and repressed instincts, about the blurring of boundaries between dream and reality and the dream of happiness and well-ordered life where everything can be planned - except the case. (Quelle:
Genre: Comedy | Drama
Erstausstahlung: 2011-01-02 Status: Ended Dauer: 60 Min

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Season 2 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
8 The Man2012-03-11
7 The Dove2012-03-04
6 The Hamster2012-02-26
5 The Buffalo2012-02-19
4 The Wasp2012-02-12
3 The Duck2012-02-05
2 The Rat2012-01-29
1 The Butterfly2012-01-22
Season 1 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
10 The Horse2011-03-06
9 The Cat2011-02-27
8 The Fox2011-02-20
7 The Spider2011-02-13
6 The Goat2011-02-06
5 The Fly2011-01-30
4 The Monkey2011-01-23
3 The Mouse2011-01-16
2 The Dog2011-01-09
1 The Fish2011-01-02


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