Home Troopers

Zusammenfassung Episoden+
All through the years, LAI KA-KA (Liza Wang) has been looking after her family so well that both her husband CHU KOT HO (Ha Yu) and her eldest son CHU KOT CHING (Kevin Cheng) look up to her as their temporal and spiritual leader. As KA is utterly resolute in her belief that she has got the best plans for her family, CHING has secretly invested in a domestic cleaning agency without consulting her, over which they have a terrible quarrel. CHING’s business partner KEI WING-FAT (Raymond Cho) has disappeared all of a sudden, putting him at substantial risk of bankruptcy. KA forgives CHING and immediately arranges for the whole family to share the work, hoping that this would help him out of the crisis somehow. Due to manpower shortages, CHING decides to hire FAT’s girlfriend TUNG KAM-PO (Bernice Liu) as a temporary worker and later even falls in love with her. KA’s daughter CHU KOT YUNG (Mandy Wong) has been dating a married man TONG SHAU-LAI (Vincent Wong) while her youngest twin boys have spent too much time messing around with girls rather than concentrating on their studies. All the recent happenings have sparked tension between KA and her children and caused a series of family rifts…How do they overcome the problems to maintain the family ties and realize the need for individual and family development? (Quelle: thetvdb.com)
Genre: Drama
Erstausstahlung: 2010-12-27 Status: Ended Dauer: 40 Min

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