G.I. Joe Renegades

Zusammenfassung Episoden+
Soldiers ... heroes ... outlaws. On the run after being accused of crimes they didn't commit, six young G.I.s battle to clear their names -- and expose the real bad guys, COBRA Industries. The world thinks this giant corporation is the good guys, but it's really run by evil people who want to rule the planet. It's up to these renegade Joes to stop COBRA and save the world -- and themselves. (Quelle: thetvdb.com)
Genre: Action | Adventure | Animation | Science Fiction
Erstausstahlung: 2010-11-26 Status: Ended Dauer: 30 Min

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Season 1 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
26 Revelations (2)2011-07-23
25 Revelations (1)2011-07-16
24 Going Underground2011-07-09
23 Cousins2011-06-25
22 Cutting Edge2011-06-18
21 The Anomaly2011-06-11
20 Prodigal2011-05-13
19 The Anaconda Strain2011-05-06
18 Union of the Snake2011-04-29
17 Castle Destro2011-04-22
16 Shipwrecked2011-04-15
15 White Out2011-03-25
14 Knockoffs2011-03-18
13 Brothers of Light2011-03-11
12 Fire Fight2011-02-11
11 The Enemy of My Enemy2011-02-04
10 Busted2011-01-28
9 Dreadnoks Rising2011-01-14
8 Rage2011-01-07
7 Homecoming (2)2010-12-24
6 Homecoming (1)2010-12-24
5 Return of the Arashikage (2)2010-12-17
4 Return of the Arashikage (1)2010-12-10
3 The Package2010-12-03
2 The Descent (2)2010-11-26
1 The Descent (1)2010-11-26

(Quelle: thetvdb.com)

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