Lupin III

Lupin III ist wie sein Großvater ein Meisterdieb und verdient seinen Lebensunterhalt mit dem Diebstahl wertvoller Objekte. Begleitet wird Lupin dabei stets von seinem alten Bekannten Daisuke Jigen, einem meisterhaften Schützen. Eine weitere Begleiterin ist die Schönheit Fujiko Mine, der Lupin seit dem erstem Treffen hoffnungslos verfallen ist. Zwar arbeitet sie gelegentlich mit Lupin und seiner Gruppe zusammen, doch schafft sie es meistens allein die Beute einzustreichen und die anderen im Regen stehen zu lassen. Der letzte im Bunde ist Goemon Ishikawa XIII, ein japanischer Samurai und Meister der Schwertkunst. Goemon ist im Besitz des Allmächtigen Schwertes, das alles auf der Welt mühelos durchtrennen kann. Da Lupin ein gesuchter Dieb ist, wird er ständig von Inspektor Zenigata verfolgt, welcher für Interpol arbeitet. Zenigata ist besessen davon, Lupin festzunehmen, doch bislang gelang ihm dies nur ein einziges Mal und Lupin konnte sich natürlich wieder befreien. Der typische Inhalt der Serien bzw. Filme handelt meistens von geheimen Schätzen oder Dokumenten, die das Team um Lupin versucht zu stehlen. In den meisten Fällen gelingt dies zwar, doch Fujiko schafft es zu meist alleine mit der Beute durchzubrennen. (Quelle:
Genre: Action | Adventure | Animation | Comedy | Crime | Mystery
Verfügbar bei: Netflix (Kann sich geändert haben/falsch sein. Fehler melden.)
Erstausstahlung: 1969-01-01 Status: Ended Dauer: 25 Min

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Season 5 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
24 Viva Lupin III2018-09-19
23 Just Then, an Old Buddy Said Something2018-09-12
22 Answer Me, Zantetsuken2018-09-05
21 An Outdated Master Thief2018-08-29
20 Zenigata, Gentleman Thief2018-08-22
19 A 7.62 mm Mirage2018-08-15
18 Fujiko's Gift2018-08-08
17 Introducing Detective Jim Barnett III2018-08-01
16 Let's Talk About First Loves2018-07-25
15 Her Relationship With Lupin2018-07-18
14 How to Steal a Kingdom2018-07-11
13 The Bow, the Princess, and the Terrorist2018-07-04
12 The Extravagance of Goemon Ishikawa XIII2018-06-20
11 Get Pablo's Collection2018-06-13
10 Thief and Thief2018-06-06
9 The Man Who Abandoned 2018-05-30
8 Who Has the Black Notebook?2018-05-23
7 His Name is Albert2018-05-16
6 Lupin vs. the Smart Safe2018-05-09
5 A Crook's Resolve2018-05-02
4 Zenigata Stands Tall and the Desert Sands Fall2018-04-25
3 The Killers Gather in the Wasteland2018-04-18
2 The Lupin Game2018-04-11
1 The Girl in the Twin Towers2018-04-04
Season 4 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
26 World Dissection, Part 22015-11-30
25 World Dissection, Part 12015-11-29
24 I'm Going to Get You, Lupin2015-11-23
23 Non-Stop Rendezvous2015-11-22
22 From Japan with Love2015-11-15
21 To Hear You Sing Again2015-11-15
20 Dragons Sleep Soundly2015-11-09
19 The First Supper2015-11-02
18 The Murdering Marionette2015-10-26
17 Lupin's Day Off2015-10-19
16 High School Undercover!2015-10-12
15 Don't Move the Mona Lisa2015-10-05
14 The End of Lupin III2015-09-28
13 The Dream of Italy (Part Two)2015-09-21
12 The Dream of Italy (Part One)2015-09-20
11 The Lovesick Pig2015-09-20
10 Requiem for the Assassins2015-09-14
9 Welcome to the Haunted Hotel!2015-09-13
8 The Zapping Operation2015-09-13
7 Until the Full Moon Passes2015-09-07
6 Venice of the Dead2015-09-06
5 The Magician's Left Hand2015-09-06
4 With a Gun in My Hand2015-08-30
3 0.2% Chance of Survival2015-08-30
2 The Fake Fantasista2015-08-30
1 The Wedding of Lupin III2015-08-30
Season 3 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
50 Kill the Atomic Submarine Ivanov1985-11-06
49 Pops Was Adopted into the Family1985-09-28
48 Tears Stood in Hades' Eyes1985-08-31
47 A Famous Picture1985-08-17
46 Worn-Out Wings1985-07-27
45 A Toast to the Con-Game1985-07-20
44 Our Papa Is a Thief1985-07-06
43 Farewell, Cinderella1985-06-29
42 Plunder the Pyramid of Insurance1985-06-22
41 A Night under Martial Law1985-06-08
40 In a Panic over the Treasure1985-05-25
39 Give the Gold to the Rival1985-05-11
38 Letiethia Loved Me1985-04-27
37 Pops Boils over with Rage1985-04-20
36 The Eagle Alights on the Glory1985-04-06
35 Target Was Gone Beyond the Snow Field 1985-03-30
34 Manhattan Crisis1985-03-23
33 A Boy Genius Plays a Dangerous Game 1985-03-16
32 10 million Dollar Key1985-03-09
31 Reversal. Reversal and Again Reversal 1985-03-02
30 The Name of the Cocktail Is Revenge 1985-02-23
29 Let's Go to the Honey-Moon1985-02-16
28 The Alaska Star Is a Ticket to Hell 1985-02-09
27 Code Name Is Alaska Star1985-02-02
26 The Ghost of New York1985-01-26
25 We Are not Angels1985-01-19
24 Pray for the Repose of Your Soul1985-01-12
23 The Strategy of Beirut Mobile Bank Robbery1984-12-29
22 The Fire Is Not Suitable for a Diamond1984-12-22
21 Farewell, Golden Legend1984-12-15
20 Cross His Name Off the List1984-12-08
19 An Act of Betrayal1984-12-01
18 Show Time Is Death Feeling1984-11-24
17 Are You Really Getting Married?1984-11-17
16 The Golden Apple has Poison1984-11-10
15 The Killer Comes Along Quietly1984-11-03
14 Let's Play the Abduction1984-10-27
13 Play a Joke on the Variation1984-10-20
12 The Prisoner of a Valtan Palace1984-07-28
11 The Ruby Sheds Bloody Tears1984-07-07
10 Lay a Plot with the Treasure1984-06-23
9 The Copy-Man Comes Expensive1984-06-16
8 Virgin Mary's Getaway Strategy1984-06-09
7 The Man Is Called The Death Garb1984-05-26
6 Lupin Has Come With A Tank1984-05-19
5 Goemon Daydream1984-04-07
4 Telepathy Is Love's Signal1984-03-24
3 Good Afternoon, Hell's Angel1984-03-17
2 Expose The Great Trap1984-03-10
1 The Gold Is Beckoning Lupin1984-03-03
Season 2 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
155 Farewell My Beloved Lupin 1980-10-06
154 The Hexagon's Great Legacy 1980-09-29
153 The Bills That Came from God 1980-09-22
152 Jigen and a Hat and a Pistol 1980-09-15
151 The Arrest Lupin Highway Operation 1980-09-08
150 Piano Symphony 'Zoo' 1980-09-01
149 The Treasure of Mecca Wore a Veil 1980-08-25
148 The Target Is 555 Meters 1980-08-18
147 The Mermaid That Disappeared in the Midnight Sun 1980-08-11
146 Lupin's Splendid Failure 1980-08-04
145 Wings of Death - Albatross 1980-07-28
144 Fujiko's Close Call Rescue Operation 1980-07-21
143 The Miami Bank Raid Anniversary 1980-07-14
142 The Big Favorite Disappeared at the Grand Race 1980-07-07
141 1980 Moscow Revelation 1980-06-30
140 Wolf, Run, Pig, Fall Down 1980-06-16
139 Steal Everything of Lupin's 1980-06-09
138 The Treasure of Pompeii and Venomous Snakes 1980-06-02
137 The Magnificent Team-Play Operation 1980-05-26
136 Revenge of the Gold Butterfly 1980-05-19
135 Poison and Magic and Lupin III 1980-05-12
134 The Climactic Lupin Arrest Operation 1980-05-05
133 Keep Your Hands Off the Hot Treasure 1980-04-28
132 The Himalayan Holy Mountain Thieves' Cult 1980-04-21
131 Two Goemons - the Mystery of Zantetsuken 1980-04-14
130 Lupin Vs. the Mystery Man with Two Faces 1980-04-07
129 In Jigen, I Saw the Gentleness of a Man's Soul 1980-03-31
128 The Old Woman and Lupin Thievery Contest 1980-03-24
127 Direct Hit! Operation Dead Ball 1980-03-17
126 Together with Lupin to Hell 1980-03-10
125 The Big Oildollar Plot 1980-03-03
124 1999: A Popcorn Odyssey 1980-02-25
123 Paris Is for Thieves 1980-02-18
122 Rare Find: Napoleon's Fortune 1980-02-11
121 The Treasure My Grandfather Left Behind 1980-02-04
120 Frankenstein Attacks Lupin 1980-01-28
119 Lupin, Who Killed Lupin 1980-01-21
118 The Southern Cross Looked Like Diamonds 1980-01-14
117 The Chewing-Gum Disguise Operation 1980-01-07
116 Have the 108 Bells Rung 1979-12-01
115 Mona Lisa Smiles Twice 1979-12-24
114 The Secret of the Mystery Painting, 'The First Supper' 1979-12-17
113 The Name of the Operation Is Chuushingura 1979-12-10
112 Goemon's Close Call 1979-12-03
111 Is the Invader Safe Open? 1979-11-26
110 Hot Shot: This Is Fujiko 1979-11-19
109 Lupin's Toughest Battle Ever1979-11-12
108 Zantetsuken's Lament 1979-11-05
107 A Wedding Ring Is an Accursed Trap 1979-10-29
106 You're a Cat, I'm a Dried Tuna 1979-10-22
105 Horror - A Woman Disappeared on Devil's Head Island 1979-10-15
104 The Most Dangerous Golden Bed 1979-10-08
103 The Wolf Saw an Angel 1979-10-01
102 Lupin Is Fond of Chanel 1979-09-24
101 Versailles Burned with Love 1979-09-17
100 The Ultra Train Heist Plan1979-09-10
99 The Scattered Magnum1979-09-03
98 The Day Pops Was Gone1979-08-27
97 Find Lupin the First's Treasure1979-08-20
96 Lupin's Gourmet World1979-08-13
95 From the Ghost Ship with Love1979-08-06
94 Lupin vs. Superman1979-07-30
93 Invading the Great Wall1979-07-23
92 The Madam and the Robber's Quartet1979-07-16
91 The Time-Traveling Girl1979-07-09
90 Bad Guys Make the Worst Crooks1979-07-02
89 Play the Thief's Symphony1979-06-25
88 Lupin's North Pole, South Pole Adventure1979-06-18
87 When the Devil Calls to Lupin1979-06-11
86 The Mysterious Nocturnal Mask1979-06-04
85 The ICPO's Secret Plan1979-05-28
84 Leave the Revenge to Lupin1979-05-21
83 Lupin's Big Western1979-05-14
82 Rescuing Pops1979-05-07
81 Fujiko, Men Are a Sorry Lot!1979-04-30
80 The Last Gift in Prison is Cup Ramen1979-04-23
79 The Lupin Funeral March1979-04-16
78 Diamonds Gleam in a Robot's Eye1979-04-09
77 Arrest Lupin with Horoscopes1979-04-02
76 Do You Know Shakespeare?1979-03-26
75 Fujiko Doesn't Look Good in a Bridal Gown1979-03-19
74 The Terrifying Chameleon Man1979-03-12
73 Flowers and Storms and a Thieves' Race1979-03-05
72 The Skateboard Murder Mystery1979-02-26
71 Lupin vs The Shinsen Group1979-02-19
70 Classic Thieves and Mynah Birds1979-02-12
69 The Woman the Old Man Fell in Love with1979-02-05
68 Casino Island - Inversions and More Inversions1979-01-29
67 Lupin's Big Saiyuuki1979-01-22
66 Shooting Orders!1979-01-15
65 Lupin's Enemy Is Lupin1979-01-08
64 Christmas Is in the Hands of the Goddess1978-12-25
63 A Trap for a Trap!1978-12-18
62 The Sound of the Devil's Bells Calls Lupin1978-12-11
61 The Flying Zantetsuken1978-12-04
60 A Flower of Suicide Blooms in India1978-11-27
59 The Mysterious World of Madame X1978-11-20
58 The Border Is the Face of Farewell1978-11-13
57 Will It Be the Computer or Lupin?1978-11-06
56 Falling Cherry Blossoms - The Mysterious Gang of Five (Part Two))1978-10-30
55 Falling Cherry Blossoms - The Mysterious Gang of Five (Part One)1978-10-23
54 Detective Hanshichi's Ten-Year Promise1978-10-16
53 The Mad Fantoma Mark III1978-10-09
52 Emmanuelle Is an Angel's Whisper1978-10-02
51 Lupin, Whom I Loved (Part 2)1978-09-25
50 Lupin, Whom I Loved (Part 1)1978-09-18
49 A Pretty Woman Has Venom1978-09-11
48 Lupin Laughs While the Alarm Bell Rings1978-09-04
47 Her Majesty's Slipshod Inspectors1978-08-28
46 Lupin Will Fetch a High Price1978-08-21
45 Killing Is the Smell of Wine1978-08-14
44 The Vanishing Special Armored Car1978-08-07
43 Where Are Peking Man's Bones?1978-07-31
42 Lupin Becomes a Bride1978-07-24
41 Find Princess Kaguya's Treasure1978-07-17
40 Operation Missile-Jack1978-07-10
39 Diamonds Disappeared Under the Hong Kong Sky1978-07-03
38 The Sweet Trap of ICPO1978-06-26
37 The Hidden Gold of Genghis Khan1978-06-19
36 Uncover the Secret of Tsukikage Castle1978-06-12
35 Pursue the Gorilla Gang1978-06-05
34 Lupin Who Turned Into a Vampire1978-05-29
33 To Whom Orion's Crown Belongs1978-05-22
32 Lupin Dies Twice1978-05-15
31 Shoot into the Midnight Sun1978-05-08
30 The Wind in Morocco Is Hot1978-05-01
29 Electric Pigeon Tactics1978-04-24
28 Female Detective Melon1978-04-17
27 Where Did the Cinderella Stamp Go?1978-04-10
26 A Rose and a Pistol1978-04-03
25 Encounter with the Deadly Iron Lizard1978-03-27
24 The Phantom Thief Rat Boy Appears1978-03-20
23 A Witch in the Fourth Dimension1978-03-13
22 Explore the Mysterious Women's Palace1978-03-06
21 Goemon's Revenge1978-02-27
20 Cornered Lupin1978-02-20
19 Can the 10-Year Vault Be Broken?1978-02-13
18 Black Panther1978-02-06
17 Target the Oil Dollars1978-01-30
16 Two-Faced Lupin1978-01-23
15 Renowned Detectives in the Sky1978-01-16
14 Big Adventure of the Caribbean Sea1978-01-09
13 The Great Chase in San Francisco1977-12-26
12 A Gift for the President1977-12-19
11 Bet on the Monaco Grand Prix!1977-12-12
10 Steal the File M1231977-12-05
9 Would You Like Ukiyo-e Blues?1977-11-28
8 Ventian Super Express1977-11-21
7 Tutankhamen's 3,000 Year-Old Curse1977-11-14
6 Will the Leaning Tower of Pisa Be Standing?1977-11-07
5 Der Hoellentrip (3)1977-10-31
4 Der Hoellentrip (4)1977-10-24
3 Hitler's Legacy1977-10-17
2 Der Hoellentrip (2)1977-10-10
1 Der Hoellentrip (1)1977-10-03
Season 1 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
23 The Great Gold Showdown!1972-03-26
22 The First Move Wins Computer Operation!1972-03-19
21 Rescue the Tomboy!1972-03-12
20 Catch the Phony Lupin!1972-03-05
19 Which of the Third Generation Will Win?1972-02-27
18 Keep an Eye on the Beauty Contest1972-02-20
17 Lupin Caught in a Trap1972-02-13
16 Operation Jewel Snatch1972-02-06
15 Let's Catch Lupin and Go to Europe1972-01-30
14 The Emerald's Secret1972-01-23
13 Beware the Time Machine!1972-01-16
12 Who Had the Last Laugh?1972-01-09
11 When the Seventh Bridge Falls1972-01-02
10 Hunt Down the Counterfeiter!1971-12-26
9 Killer Sings the Blues1971-12-19
8 The All-Together Playing-Card Operation1971-12-12
7 A Wolf Calls a Wolf1971-12-05
6 Rainy Afternoons are Bad1971-11-28
5 The Coming of Goemon the Thirteenth1971-11-21
4 One Chance for a Prison Break1971-11-14
3 Farewell My Beloved Witch1971-11-07
2 The Man They Called a Magician1971-10-31
1 Is Lupin Burning...?!1971-10-24
Season 0 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
47 Lupin the 3Rd: Jigen's Gravestone2014-06-21
46 Lupin III: The First2019-12-06
45 Lupin III: Prison of the Past2019-11-29
43 Goodbye Partner2019-01-25
42 50th Anniversary Special - Is Lupin Still Burning?2018-07-25
41 The Italian Game2016-01-08
40 Lupin III vs. Detective Conan: The Movie2013-12-07
39 Lupin VIII2012-03-28
38 Lupin III: Family All-Stars2012-03-18
37 Lupin III: The Lupin Gang's All Here
36 Princess of the Breeze - The Hidden City in the Sky2013-11-15
35 Record of Observations of the East - Another Page2012-11-02
34 Blood Seal - Eternal Mermaid2011-12-02
33 The Last Job2010-02-12
32 Lupin III vs. Detective Conan2009-03-27
31 Sweet Lost Night2008-07-25
30 Green Vs. Red2008-04-02
29 Elusiveness of the Fog2007-07-27
28 Seven Days Rhapsody2006-09-08
27 Angel's Tactics2005-07-22
26 Stolen Lupin2004-07-30
25 Operation: Return the Treasure2003-08-01
24 Episode: 0 First Contact2002-07-26
23 Return of the Magician2002-04-03
22 Alcatraz Connection2001-08-03
21 Missed by a Dollar2000-07-28
20 The Columbus Files1999-07-30
19 Crisis in Tokyo1998-07-24
18 Island of Assassins1997-08-01
17 The Secret of Twilight Gemini1996-08-02
16 Rupan Sansei: Dead or Alive1996-04-20
15 The Pursuit of Harimao's Treasure1995-08-04
14 Farewell to Nostradamus1995-04-01
13 Dragon of Doom1994-07-29
12 Voyage to Danger1993-07-23
11 From Russia With Love1992-07-24
10 Napoleon's Dictionary1991-08-09
9 Hemingway Papers1990-07-20
8 The Plot of the Fuma Clan1987-09-14
7 Legend of the Gold of Babylon1985-07-13
6 Bye Bye Liberty Crisis1989-04-01
5 The Castle of Cagliostro1979-12-15
4 Mystery of Mamo1978-12-16
3 Strange Psychokinetic Strategy1974-01-01
2 Secret Files1969-01-01
1 Pilot Film1969-01-01


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