Other Space

Zusammenfassung Episoden+
It is the year 2105... a young, inexperienced and highly flawed crew embarks on a routine exploratory space mission. Suddenly, their ship, the UMP Cruiser, is drawn through a portal into a different, mysterious universe. With no maps, no contact, and no way back home, the lackadaisically self-confident captain Stewart Lipinski, first officer and Stewart's steely jealous older sister Karen Lipinski, his unrequited crush Tina, his best friend from childhood Michael, a science officer with a mysterious past, Kent, the pothead hippie engineer Zalian and bodacious-looking virtual navigator Natasha, have to learn to work together while dealing with mysterious space clouds, food and fuel shortages, robot rebellions, folds in time, and the occasional alien attack. (Quelle: thetvdb.com)
Genre: Adventure | Comedy | Science Fiction
Erstausstahlung: 2015-04-14 Status: Ended Dauer: 30 Min

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Season 1 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
8 Finale2015-04-14
7 First Contact2015-04-14
6 Power-less2015-04-14
5 Trouble's Brew-ing2015-04-14
4 Ted Talks2015-04-14
3 The Death of A.R.T.2015-04-14
2 Getting to Know You2015-04-14
1 Into the Great Beyond... Beyond2015-04-14

(Quelle: thetvdb.com)

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