Black Work

When Jo Gillespie's husband Ryan, an undercover policeman, is shot dead in mysterious circumstances, she resolutely sets out to discover who murdered him. Black Work is a compelling three-part story (x 60), which sees police officer Jo confront difficult truths about her family life and her marriage to Ryan. Mother to 7-years-old Melly and stepson Hal, Jo is emotionally distraught and heavily conflicted as she unravels the last six months of her husband’s life. She’s grieving and wracked with guilt following an attachment to Ryan’s colleague and fellow police officer Jack Clark, which puts further strain on her grieving family. Working out of a lock-up on a shadowy case for which no police department will take responsibility, Ryan has been watching a man recently released from prison. But why? And under whose orders? (Quelle:
Genre: Crime | Drama | Thriller
Erstausstahlung: 2015-06-21 Status: Ended Dauer: 46 Min

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Season 1 (anzeigen/ausblenden)
3 Episode 32015-07-05
2 Episode 22015-06-28
1 Episode 12015-06-21


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