The Life You Wanted

Gloria is convinced that she has found happiness in Lecce, where she founded a small tourist agency and found love with Ernesto but, one day, her life is turned upside down by the arrival of Marina, her friend at the university in Naples , before Gloria began her transition journey. Marina brings with her Andrea and Arianna, her children from two different relationships, and is pregnant with a third, whose father is Pietro, a young man with a passionate and perhaps even dangerous character. Gloria would prefer not to reconnect with Marina, she reminds her of a part of her life that she would like to forget. However, Marina hides many secrets and soon Sergio, Arianna's father, will also arrive on the scene, a man in one piece who was immediately very distrustful of Gloria. For her, the time has come to come to terms with "the life he wanted". (Quelle:
Genre: Drama | Romance
Verfügbar bei: Netflix (Kann sich geändert haben/falsch sein. Fehler melden.)
Erstausstahlung: 2024-05-29 Status: Upcoming Dauer: 0 Min

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